Punch and Judy Shows are not all the same even though the ingredients may be similar.
Although Mr. Punch’s irrepressible anarchic spirit never changes, each individual show remains the creation of the ‘Professor’ performing it and reflects their particular personality and skills.
Take a look round our gallery and see what the individual College members have to say about themselves and Mr. Punch. Just click on any photo to visit the profile page of the Professor shown.
Member Profiles
These members previously played a significant role in the College's development and reputation. Their contribution continues to be held in high regard.
A Professor Extraordinarius is an overseas performer who has been granted honorary membership of the College in recognition of exceptional skill in the performance of their own national folk puppet tradition.
College Hall of Memory
These Professors are no longer with us but have left their mark on the College. The Punch & Judy tradition always carries forward echoes and influences from past Professors of quality.